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Prediabetes Warning: These Risk Factors Can Lead to Diabetes November 17, 2020 American Council on Exercise Off 2 diabetes, aerobic activity, apnea, blood pressure, blood sugar, calories, cholesterol, cholesterol levels, control high blood pressure, diabetes, diet, exercise, gestational diabetes, glucose, Health, Health Information, healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, high blood pressure, high blood pressure and, Human Health, increases your risk, insulin, insulin resistance, Life Sciences, Lose Weight, losing weight, metabolic syndrome, metformin, Natural Health News, Pancreas, physical activity, prediabetes, protein, Science and Health, Science and Research, skin, skin tags, sleep, sleep apnea, studies show, sugar, supplements, to control high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, vegetables, What is prediabetes, whole grains 000000000000If you have prediabetes, there is about a 50 percent chance you will go on…