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Is Fructose Bad for You? Here’s Why Fructose May Be Worse Than Sugar April 21, 2020 American Council on Exercise Off 2 diabetes, aging, alcohol, antioxidants, beer, beets, blood pressure, brain, calories, cardiovascular, causes diabetes, central nervous system, cholesterol, corn, corn syrup, diabetes, diet, dopamine, empty calories, fatty liver, food, glucose, hdl, hdl cholesterol, Health, Health Information, heart disease, high blood pressure, high fructose corn syrup, high triglycerides, how to quit drinking soda, Human Health, insulin, insulin resistance, is fructose bad for you, ldl, Life Sciences, liver disease, liver health, low hdl, low hdl cholesterol, metabolism, Natural Health News, Nutrition, obesity, oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species, Science and Health, Science and Research, stress, sugar, the aging process, Triglycerides, type 2 diabetes, weight gain, what causes diabetes, why is fructose bad for you, why is sugar bad for you 000000000000The Atkins diet and a traditional Japanese diet may seem about as far apart as…