6. Be Active, Feel Better January 15, 2020 American Council on Exercise Off aerobic activity, arthritis, back pain, blood pressure, bowel syndrome, brain, brain power, cancer, cancer pain, cancer survivors, cardiology, cardiovascular, cartilage, cholesterol, chronic pain, exercise, fibromyalgia, fibromyalgia treatment, gastroenterology, Health, Health Information, Human Health, immunity, improve balance, increase concentration, irritable bowel, irritable bowel syndrome, Life Sciences, low back pain, lower blood pressure, mood, Natural Health News, osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis and cartilage, osteoporosis, pain, physical activity, physical exercise, Science and Health, Science and Research, strength, stress, studies show, types of exercise 000000000000Exercise improves our mood, boosts brain power, lowers cholesterol, and keeps our hearts pumping healthily….