Lemon Health Benefits: Reduce Your Risk of Cancer, Anemia, and More July 14, 2020 American Council on Exercise Off add, allergy, anemia, asthma, blood pressure, blood sugar, bone, calcium, calories, cancer, cancer prevention, cholesterol, cholesterol levels, cholesterol numbers, collagen, colon cancer, diet, digestion, digestive, fiber, foods that prevent wrinkles, garlic, gerd, gerd symptoms, ginger, gluten, gluten free, Health, Health Information, healthy cholesterol levels, heart disease, honey, Human Health, immune system, indigestion, infection, iron, iron deficiency, kidney stones, lemon health benefits, Life Sciences, limonene, lower blood pressure, Natural Health News, natural remedies, natural remedies for, natural remedies for kidney stones, nutrients, Nutrition, polyphenols, potassium, potassium benefits, protein, risk of heart disease, Science and Health, Science and Research, skin, slow digestion, soy, stroke, studies show, sugar, thyme, trans fat, tumor, vitamin, vitamin c, zinc 000000000000Lemons are much more than a garnish for your glass of water or fancy cocktail….