Ask Dr. Etingin: Adult-Onset Asthma; Hair Thinning and Loss March 22, 2024 American Council on Exercise Off acid reflux, aging, Aging & Independence, allergies, asthma, biotin, bronchitis, cod liver oil, congestive heart failure, dairy, estrogen, exercise, hair loss, Health, Health Information, heart failure, hormone, Human Health, inflammation, inhaler, iron, Life Sciences, lung function test, mucus, Natural Health News, Nutrition, nutritional deficiencies, physical activity, postmenopausal, reflux, Science and Health, Science and Research, shortness of breath, sinus, spinach, stress, testosterone, thyroid, thyroid hormone, vitamin, vitamin d, vitamins, vitamins and minerals, wheezing 000000000000I had an episode of shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing during an exercise class….