Can Stress Cause Diarrhea? The Gut-Brain Connection April 9, 2021 American Council on Exercise Off add, alcohol, anxiety, anxiety and depression, appetite, avoid stress, bacteria, bloating, brain, brain chemicals, constipation, cramps, depressed, depression, diarrhea, digestion, emotional stress, endorphins, exercise, gastroenterology, gut bacteria, Health, Health Information, how to deal with stress, Human Health, infection, Life Sciences, meditation, mental health, mood, Natural Health News, pain, relaxation exercises, Science and Health, Science and Research, serotonin, stomach pain, stomach ulcers, stress, Stress & Anxiety, stress and anxiety, sympathetic nervous system, ulcer, ulcer symptoms, ulcers, ways to reduce stress 000000000000If you have ever experienced “butterflies in your stomach” or felt like your guts were…