Investing in women’s health is essential in the era of polycrises

The world is in a state of “polycrises” where multiple economic, environmental, social, and geopolitical shocks have converged and are driving and deepening existing gender inequalities and health inequities.1 These polycrises are additionally contributing to backsliding on human rights and growing anti-gender movements, culminating in devastating effects on women’s and girls’ health worldwide.2 Steps to prioritise women’s health must be taken to prevent it being neglected among competing priorities.Globally, the cost-of-living crisis and austerity measures will push over 340 million of the most vulnerable women into poverty by 2030, forcing many to choose between basic human rights like food or medical treatment.3 This exacerbates existing gendered gaps in access to healthcare and adversely affects women’s and girl’s ability to stay healthy. For example, it is currently estimated that 500 million women worldwide lack access to menstrual products and hygiene facilities,4 with this trend worsening because of ongoing polycrises.5 Denial of…
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