Avoiding harm through hearing our patients

The Hughes report, released in February 2024, outlines options for redress for people in England harmed by valproate and pelvic mesh surgery.1 The report built on the findings and recommendations of the 2020 independent medicines and medical devices safety review, chaired by Julia Cumberlege.2 Both reports are harrowing reading. The Hughes report estimates that 14 000 children have been harmed from exposure to valproate while in their mother’s womb since 1973, and that at least 10 000 women have been harmed from insertion of pelvic mesh to treat stress urinary incontinence or prolapse since 1998. And these figures are just for England.Each report includes quotes from women with epilepsy or bipolar disorder who now have disabled children, often describing guilt from having unknowingly taken a teratogenic drug during their pregnancy, and women left in debilitating pain from pelvic mesh and left unable to work, have a sex life, or enjoy…
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