Michael Radcliffe Lee

bmj;381/jun16_7/p1371/FAF1faMichael Radcliffe Lee went to Manchester Grammar School and Brasenose College, Oxford, where he was Somerset Thornhill scholar and Beit Memorial fellow. He published his first book, Renin and Hypertension, when a research fellow with George Pickering. Michael worked for Weddel Pharmaceuticals and became managing director, but industry was not for him. He moved to Leeds as senior lecturer, where he studied renal dopamine. In 1984 Michael was appointed to the chair of clinical pharmacology in Edinburgh. With typical modesty he titled his autobiography Stood on the Shoulders of Giants. In retirement Michael wrote about plant toxicity and therapeutics. He was appointed a fellow of the Linnean Society. Michael leaves Judith, his wife of 62 years; a son; a daughter; and five grandchildren, one of whom trained as a vet and wrote her undergraduate thesis on lead poisoning of sheep in Wales. Her toxicologist grandfather was proud.
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