Paul Robert Hepburn

bmj;378/sep16_7/o2227/FAF1faPaul Robert Hepburn was senior GP principal at the Old School Surgery in Fishponds, Bristol. After qualifying he started a career in general medicine. While working a bruising 1:2 rota in nephrology at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle in 1977, he was offered a position as partner in a GP practice in Bristol and moved back home. Much loved by colleagues and patients for his polite, sensitive, and gentle nature he was postgraduate organiser for Frenchay Hospital and continued his interest in respiratory medicine in hospital outpatient sessions. He retired in 2010 but developed progressive vascular and Alzheimer’s dementia. He had a fatal intracerebral haemorrhage in his sleep on his 75th birthday. He leaves his wife, a theatre sister; his son, an ITU consultant; his daughter, a successful restaurateur; as well as five beloved grandchildren.
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