Ask Dr. Etingin: Barley Water’s Benefits; Chocolate and Your Mood

Q. I’ve heard that barley water can cure eczema. Is this true?

A: Barley, wheat, and rye naturally contain azelaic acid, which has both antimicrobial (which kills organisms or stops their growth) and anti-inflammatory (which reduces swelling) properties.

Azelaic acid is used as an exfoliator and cleanser to wash the skin, and is a treatment for acne and rosacea. Some people also use it for dark spots, but I have not heard of it being used for eczema. It is available through a prescription and comes in the form of a gel, foam or cream with either 15 or 20 percent concentration. You also can find it in some over-the-counter cleansing products, but with much less concentration. Most people who use azelaic acid have it in the prescription form.

Barley’s rich nutrients—which include fiber, vitamins, minerals such as calcium and magnesium, and antioxidants and phytochemicals—benefit your health in many other ways from the inside out. They help lower cholesterol, balance blood sugar, and maintain proper gut microbiota. Barley’s fiber content also can help keep you satiated longer, which could lead to some help with weight loss. Some people drink barley water to concentrate the grain’s nutritional benefits.

For a targeted eczema treatment that’s best for you, I encourage you to see your health-care provider. Also, eating fresh, whole fruits and vegetables, and eliminating processed, sugary foods from your diet, is very good for the skin.

Q. Can chocolate affect my mood?

A: Absolutely. While chocolate doesn’t affect everyone the same way, for some people, it can cause extreme reactions, ranging from euphoria and an endorphin rush to anger, paranoia, and rage. Also, natural stimulants in the cacao such as caffeine and theobromine make chocolate addictive, which can significantly affect mood.

But research reveals that chocolate affects the brain more in a positive way than a negative one—particularly dark chocolate. Dark chocolate contains the antioxidant resveratol, which increases endorphins (an opiate) and serotonin (a mood elevator) in the brain, releasing feelings of happiness. Chocolate also can improve brain performance and alertness. One study found significant improvements in these benefits after 30 days.

Chocolate also contains flavonoids, a natural antioxidant that lowers blood pressure, reduces LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, increases HDL (“good”) cholesterol, and reduces artery thickness. These health benefits all play a role in reducing the risk of cardiac events. Being healthy can certainly improve your mood. But flavonoids increase blood flow to the brain, which results in the building of new neurons and the improvement of existing ones. Flavonoids also have been linked with improvements in depression and anxiety, and for creating feelings of being calm and content.

To gain the most cognitive and mood benefits, look for dark chocolate with at least 85 percent cacao.

—Editor-in-Chief Orli R. Etingin, MD

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