Potato Redemption

Maligned for years by dieters and the popular press, white potatoes have been blamed for increasing overweight, obesity, and type 2 diabetes risk. Could the world’s third largest food crop, behind rice and wheat, truly be the culprit of ill health? EN takes a closer look at the science.

Nutrition. Potatoes have been criticized for having little nutritional value, despite providing many essential nutrients (see Potatoes’ Hot Nutrients), most notably potassium and fiber, which were identified as nutrients of public health concern per the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Potatoes also contribute vitamin C, magnesium, vitamin B6, niacin, and thiamin, as well as carotenoids and polyphenols.

Glycemic Index (GI). The starchy vegetable’s reported high GI has been tapped as the perpetrator of weight gain and diabetes. Foremost, GI alone is not a sole predictor of weight gain or diabetes. Several influencers are at work in the progression of weight gain and diabetes, including overall diet, total caloric intake and expenditure, and genetics. Further, the GI of potatoes varies broadly and is dependent on many factors, such as cooking method (baked has lower GI than boiled) and how it is consumed (eating with skin lowers GI). Cooking and reheating or consuming them when cooled also lowers GI, attributed to higher presence of resistant starch. Consuming potatoes with other foods, such as cheese, also alters the GI. Finally, potatoes’ high satiety index may help with appetite control.

The Bottom Line. Pay less heed to their GI, and instead consume satisfying fresh potatoes with the skin for more fiber, potassium, and other nutrients. Minimize high-calorie accompaniments, such as butter, cheese, and sour cream. Try low-fat Greek yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese toppings. Enjoy processed potato products with added calories and fat (i.e., French fries and potato chips) in moderation.

—Andrea N. Giancoli, MPH, RD

The post Potato Redemption appeared first on University Health News.

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