Ask Dr. Etingin: Best diet for your heart; Processed meats; Type 1 and type 2 diabetes February 24, 2021 American Council on Exercise Off 2 diabetes, best diet, blood glucose levels, cancer, cancer research, cancer risk, cardiovascular, cardiovascular health, colorectal, colorectal cancer, dash diet, diabetes, diet, food, glucose, glucose levels, Health, Health Information, healthy diets, healthy eating, heart disease, Heart Health, Human Health, insulin, insulin resistance, Life Sciences, mediterranean diet, mediterranean style diet, Natural Health News, nitrates, Nutrition, obesity, preservatives, psychology, report, research on cancer, Science and Health, Science and Research, serving size, smoking, sugar, the best diet, the mediterranean diet, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, types of diabetes, vegetarian, weight management 000000000000Is there a specific diet that is best for your heart? According to the annual…