“Mild” Heart Attack: Symptoms and What to Do When It Happens December 18, 2020 American Council on Exercise Off a heart attack, angina, angina pain, anxiety, artery disease, atherosclerosis, back pain, blood clot, blood pressure, bone, cardiology, chest discomfort, chest pain, cholesterol, coronary, coronary arteries, coronary artery disease, diabetes, for high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, having a heart attack, Health, Health Information, heart attack, heart attack causes, heart attack signs, heart attack symptoms, heart attack symptoms in men, heart attack symptoms in women, heart attacks, heart disease, Heart Health, heart muscle, heart trouble, high blood pressure, high ldl, high ldl cholesterol, history of heart disease, Human Health, hypertension, hypertension guidelines, indigestion, jaw pain, ldl, ldl cholesterol, Life Sciences, mild heart attack, mild heart attack symptoms, muscle, Natural Health News, neck pain, new hypertension guidelines, nitrates, obesity, pain, panic attack, plaque buildup, report, Science and Health, Science and Research, shortness of breath, silent heart attack, smoking, stroke, symptoms of a heart attack, tightness in chest, tired 000000000000What is a “mild heart attack”? You may have heard the expression and wondered exactly…