The Best Diet for Healthy Aging? June 16, 2020 American Council on Exercise Off add, aging, appetite, balanced diet, best diet, blood pressure, bone, bone density, bone health, brain, calcium, cancer, cancer research, cancer risk, cancers, cardiovascular, cardiovascular health, dairy, dash diet, decreased bone density, depression, diet, dietary approaches to stop hypertension, fiber, fitness, food, food groups, glucose, Health, health concerns, Health Information, healthy aging, healthy eating, healthy eating plan, healthy meals, heart disease, high blood pressure, Human Health, hypertension, immune health, intestinal health, Life Sciences, mediterranean diet, mood, muscle, Natural Health News, nutrient deficiency, nutrients, Nutrition, nuts, processed foods, protein, risk of heart disease, Science and Health, Science and Research, side effects, stop hypertension, studies show, the best diet, vegetables, vitamin, vitamin d, vitamins, vitamins and minerals, weight control, whole grains 000000000000Worldwide, people are living longer. In 2000, one in ten people in the U.S. were…