Nutrients with the Most Anti-Cancer Properties February 24, 2021 American Council on Exercise Off aggressive breast cancer, almonds, antioxidant, antioxidants, arthritis, bacteria, breast cancer, cancer, cancer research, cancer risk, cancers, carotenoids, carrots, cauliflower, chocolate, cognitive function, colon cancer, colorectal, colorectal cancer, cruciferous vegetables, dairy, depression, diabetes, diet, digestive, esophageal cancer, fiber, folate, green tea, Health, Health Information, healthy diet, heart disease, Human Health, inflammation, kale, Life Sciences, lycopene, Natural Health News, nutrients, Nutrition, nuts, pancreatic cancer, polyphenols, potatoes, Prostate, prostate cancer, registered dietitian nutritionist, risk of breast cancer, risk of colon cancer, Science and Health, Science and Research, vegetables, vitamin, whole grains, wine 000000000000Numerous studies have shown that a healthy diet can lower your risk of getting a…