Consultant who submitted false job references is struck off

A consultant psychiatrist who submitted false job references purporting to come from four other consultants has been struck off the UK medical register. This came after a tribunal rejected her defence that she was the victim of harassment and bullying by the General Medical Council and an NHS trust.Natalia Wilson, 53, acted as her own legal counsel during the hearing at the Medical Practitioners Tribunal, in a defence that included suggesting the GMC’s counsel used phrases that were used by patients with paranoid schizophrenia.The four psychiatrists whose references she was found to have fabricated, she told the hearing, were colluding with East London NHS Foundation Trust, the prospective employer to whom she had sent three of the references, to get her into trouble. Her own role, she claimed, was that of a “whistleblower,” although before the tribunal sat she had made an unsuccessful application for the entire case to be…
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