Sixty seconds on . . . prepping

Batch cooking can be helpful?Not if there’s a power cut. Anyhow, this isn’t about cooking, it’s about prepping for an emergency, such as when the government said “you must stay at home” during the covid-19 pandemic.There’s still some toilet roll in the loftThat’s a start. The UK government has published new guidance encouraging all homes to have an emergency kit with enough non-perishable food that does not need cooking (so, tinned) for three days, with a minimum of 3 L of bottled water, ideally 10, for each person a day.1 Oddly it doesn’t mention toilet roll.Dried pasta is no good then?No. But we should stock up on wind up or battery powered torches and radios, spare batteries, power packs to charge our phones, a first aid kit, and hand sanitisers or wipes.Great, I’ll go and buy that lot nowHold on. Retailers are urging people not to do that all at…
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