Patients should be able to self-refer to ADHD and other neurodiversity services, LMCs say

Patients should be able to refer themselves directly to attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other neurodiversity services, local GP representatives have said.BMA general practitioners committees across the UK nations will “work with and lobby” relevant stakeholders to allow patients to “self-refer to NHS ADHD and other neurodiversity services, without the requirement to consult their GP.” This comes after a motion on the matter was passed on 23 May at the annual conference of UK local medical committee (LMC) representatives in Newport.The motion also called on the GP committees to lobby stakeholders to “fund and commission comprehensive local NHS ADHD and other neurodiversity services” and to clarify GPs’ roles in prescribing for patients with ADHD.Proposing the motion, Annie Farrell, chair of Liverpool LMC, said that poor NHS service provision for ADHD assessment had left a “vacuum” for patients. “Because of our lack of service locally, our local NHS is shelling out…
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