Gender medicine in the US: how the Cass review failed to land

The newly released Cass review on transgender care for under 18s has had a seismic effect across the United Kingdom and Europe.1 Scotland and Wales promptly followed the NHS in England in ceasing the prescription of puberty “blocking” drugs outside of research protocols. The UN special rapporteur on violence against women and girls, Reem Alsalem, called the independent inquiry’s findings and recommendations “seminal” and stated that policies on gender treatments have “breached fundamental principles” of children’s human rights, with “devastating consequences.” Some charities and clinicians are disappointed with last month’s final review report. But the tone of major print and broadcast media in the UK has shifted: outlets that have previously reported criticism of gender services as transphobic now note how, as the Guardian reported, “the lack of high quality research, highlighted by Cass, has been a subject of growing unease among doctors.”The review by Hilary Cass, paediatrician and former…
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