WHO: World makes strides towards better health, but work is needed on sustainable development goals

The world is on track to meet the World Health Organization’s target of a billion people having better health by 2025, the UN agency’s 2023 report has found.1Improved air quality, access to water and sanitation, and hygiene measures were the biggest drivers of global health improvement, said the report, which covered 174 countries in 2022-23.Access to universal healthcare was also expanding rapidly, with 30% of countries increasing their coverage of essential health services and providing financial protection. But more work was required to reach the health related targets of the sustainable development goals by the end of this decade, the organisation said.Vaccine progressAmong the most important advances in 2022-23 was the rollout of the world’s first malaria vaccine, RTS,S/AS01. The new jab has so far been rolled out to more than two million children in Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi, reducing mortality by 13% in children eligible for vaccination. A second…
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