Patients should be allowed to request same sex doctor for intimate care, government says

Patients in England can request a doctor of the same sex for intimate care, where reasonably possible, under proposed changes to the NHS constitution.1The constitution, which was launched in January 2009, sets out the principles and values of the NHS in England for patients and staff. The Health Act 2009 states that the constitution must be updated every 10 years. It was last updated in 2015 and the government says that the proposed changes will make the privacy, dignity, and safety of all patients central to NHS principles and values.It has proposed adding a pledge to the consultation which states that patients can “request intimate care be provided, where reasonably possible, by someone of the same biological sex.”In this context intimate care is defined as an examination of breasts, genitalia, or rectum, and care tasks of an intimate nature such as helping someone use the toilet or changing continence pads….
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