AI triage in general practice will remove the crucial human touch

Mathew discusses the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to help triage in general practice.1 Our practice started using a human GP to do this. We have a standardised form for the patient to complete which is then looked at and sifted appropriately.Having the most senior member of the team assess and assign management of every clinical problem that presents to general practice seems to be a sensible move. It stops the 8 am rush for appointments and reduces the problem of the people who shout the loudest getting seen first. This system also takes clinical responsibility away from non-clinical team members and gives it to those who are trained to make a decision.It’s still early days, but this system has been well received by our team and patients alike. But—here’s the catch—you need GPs to make the decisions. Their clinical experience and training allows for assessment of the whole clinical…
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