Mental health support for doctors—a vital yet fragile lifeline

Even as a doctor myself, it’s easy to take other doctors for granted. As a population, we have come to assume that we will be cared for in our hour of need, spoilt by the ready provision of the NHS. But the NHS succeeds because of those who work for it. As an institution it relies on professionals who go above and beyond again and again, who have sacrificed years of their lives to studying and striving to better serve their patients.A few months ago, a family member became suddenly ill. She was cyanosed and short of breath. She had chest pain radiating down her left arm and described a sense of impending doom. We felt desperate, but we were lucky. She had and still has a brilliant clinical team looking after her. She had an ECHO within an hour of it being sought.The paediatric cardiologist doing that ECHO has…
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