Why I . . . cosplay

Playing a fantasy character in your spare time may just be the secret to being a better doctor, if the experience of paediatrics trainee Cristina Costache is anything to go by.Costache takes part in cosplay—“costume play”—in which a person dresses up as a character from a film, TV show, book, or video game, and acts as them at conventions or events where there are celebrity guests, professional photo shoots, stage panels, and retail exhibitors celebrating the genre. “Cosplay is super fun,” she says. “You can gather with other people who enjoy cosplay at events such as MCM Comic Con.”Costache is a future leaders programme fellow based at Bradford Royal Infirmary NHS. She is also doing a doctorate at the University of Manchester and qualified as a doctor in Romania before moving to work in the UK in 2015.Her early interests got her into cosplay. “I was very passionate about manga,…
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