Halt plans to restrict foreign workers joining the NHS and care services, say leaders

NHS and care leaders have called for the government to abandon plans to restrict the number of family members overseas health and social care workers can bring with them to the UK, which they say will be “ruinous” for services.The Cavendish Coalition, which acts as a shared voice of employers, trade unions, and educators from social care and health, said that services would not be able to function with a reduction to its international workforce, who accounts for 1 in 6 NHS staff in England, and 16% across adult social care.The coalition has repeated concerns it made in September in a letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak that “assuming international health and social care workers would come to the UK without their dependants would be ruinous to our services and the staffing plans you ask us to have.”1 It warned that employers would see further effects on existing staff if…
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