Climate action: Six young people take on 33 European nations in landmark case

A group of six young Portuguese nationals have taken 33 countries, including the UK, to the European Court of Human Rights, claiming that the states have violated their rights by contributing to global warming.The six, who range in age from 11 to 24, allege that the 28 member states of the European Union, together with the UK, Switzerland, Turkey, Norway, and Russia, which have also signed up to the European Convention on Human Rights, are failing to comply with their obligations under the convention. The young people claim that greenhouse gas emissions from the 33 states contribute to global heating, resulting in heatwaves that affect their living conditions and health.The case, which has been crowdfunded and fast tracked by the court, was heard by the grand chamber of 17 judges on 27 September.1 Cases are normally heard by small chambers of judges, but grand chamber hearings happen where a case…
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