Prostate cancer screening and the golden rule of humanity

The discussion around prostate cancer screening continues.1 I worked as a urologist for 30 years. When I was young, I hoped only to become an independent urologist and to gain as much surgical experience as possible. But as I approached the target age for prostate specific antigen (PSA) screening, and having heard the opinions of public health experts,23 I could no longer recommend PSA screening to patients. I quit the job.I was often asked questions like, “I was told at my check-up that my PSA is elevated, what should I do?” or “I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Should I get surgery?” I always replied: “Forget about having a PSA test and nothing bad can happen to you. Lately, I am aware of frequent nocturia myself, but I will not get a PSA test.”I gave examples of cases with and without recurrence456 and told them that, either way, the people…
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