Educators, students, and plagiarism in age of AI

Graham highlights the risk of plagiarism allegations that students face in the “age of AI,”1 as described by the Medical Defence Union.2 Navigating the digital age will become more difficult as we aim to train students to be resourceful without compromising integrity when using digital shortcuts. Given this, proactive approaches by medical educators are necessary to pave the way for this new generation.In delivering tutorials to medical students, I have experienced first hand the way the phrase “ask ChatGPT” is becoming as ubiquitous as “Google it,” perhaps highlighting the beginnings of a digital transition. Students have often generated reasonable answers in this way—rarely, however, do they consider where the information has been obtained or its credibility. It is easy to see how this could spill over into academic submissions.Social media accounts of ChatGPT writing cover letters or CVs also may have aided a belief among medical students that it is…
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