Royal College of Surgeons of England moves to neutral position on assisted dying

The Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS England) has voted to drop its opposition to assisted dying, after nearly three quarters (72%) of members who were surveyed backed a change in position.In the survey, which received over 3000 responses, 52% of respondents said they believed the college should be supportive of a change in the law to permit assisted dying while 20% are in favour of a neutral position.1In response, the college’s council has adopted a neutral position, a change from the official opposition position that the college has held since 2014. This comes after the BMA, the Royal College of Physicians, and the Royal College of Nursing all adopted a neutral stance following similar surveys.The House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee is also currently holding an inquiry into assisted dying.“This debate is not going away”The RCS England survey had a 19% response rate and was open…
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