Retired consultants are called on to help cut NHS backlog through flexible working platform

Consultants who have recently retired will be able to provide remote and face-to-face appointments as part of an NHS England initiative to tackle the backlog in elective care.A digital platform will be launched in the autumn for recently retired consultants who have NHS experience and are on the General Medical Council’s specialist register. They will be able to sign up to offer their availability to provide appointments for trusts around England.Amanda Pritchard, chief executive of NHS England, said that the health service wanted to keep people at the end of their careers engaged in ways that worked for them.“Local NHS trusts will be able to upload details of the patients that need to be seen, and they’ll be matched with doctors based on their availability and areas of expertise,” she said at the NHS Confed Expo conference on 14 June. “Creating this new route back has the potential to help…
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