Sixty seconds on . . . MRCGP exams

You got a place?Yes, for the applied knowledge test (AKT), but not the recorded consultation assessment (RCA) or the simulated consultation assessment. I missed the April RCA because it was oversubscribed, even though an extra sitting was added.But I hear help is at hand?Yes, you’re right. Doctors at the annual conference of local medical committees on 18 May called on the BMA’s GP committee (GPC UK) to work with the Royal College of General Practitioners to ensure no GP trainee is forced to extend their training because of a lack of available exam sittings.Wasn’t there also talk about scrapping the AKT?“Big bang” examinations like the AKT are outdated, according to Sarah Bodey, a GP trainer from north Wales who proposed the motion. She said that these exams were little more than memory tests. Students of other subjects took “open book” exams and assessments which did not rely on remembering an…
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