A shocking cataract

A man in his 60s presented with visual loss in the right eye two months after he had received an electric shock exceeding 20 kV to the right forehead and temporal region, with scarring on the lateral arch of the right eyebrow (fig 1). Visual acuity was reduced to perception of hand movements in the right eye but remained 20/20 in the left eye. On slit lamp examination, the lens in the left eye was clear but the lens in the right eye was milky white and completely opaque. Electrically induced cataract has been described in case reports, with the formation of cataracts over a variable interval after an electrical injury.1 Unilateral electric cataract was diagnosed on the basis of history and examination. Visual acuity in the right eye improved to 20/25 after cataract surgery six months later. No lesions were detected on the fundus after the surgery.bmj;381/may18_1/e073894/F1F1f1Fig 1
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