Remove barriers to clinical research for schedule 1 drugs with therapeutic potential

There is growing interest in the clinical use of drugs listed in schedule 1 of the UK Misuse of Drugs Regulations.1 MDMA, for example, has some value in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),2 whereas psilocybin has use in treatment resistant depression3 and alcohol use disorder.4 There are early indications that N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) assisted therapy could be of huge benefit to those with poor mental health.5A decade ago, we reviewed the restrictions imposed by schedule 1 on neuroscience research and treatment innovation.6 Problems included the need for a licence to produce, possess, or supply schedule 1 drugs in the UK and an import-export licence to take them across the border. Apart from the cost of these licences, which might be beyond the budget of small research groups, other limitations include long delays in obtaining licences (typically a year), the highly bureaucratic process of obtaining licences, and that licences restrict activities to…
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