STAT+: Pharmalittle: More biotechs are betting on obesity; Pfizer RSV vaccine faces hurdles in low-income countries

Good morning, everyone, and nice to see you again after a week-long respite in which we toured historical sites, gazed at the countryside, and walked with llamas (please write us for details). Of course, we hope your own weekend respite was relaxing and invigorating, because that oh-so familiar routine of phone calls, online meetings, and deadlines has returned. To cope, yes, we are brewing and quaffing cups of stimulation. Our choice today is maple bourbon. And you are invited to join us. Meanwhile, here are some tidbits to ease the transition. We hope you have a smashing day and conquer the world. …

A growing number of biotech companies are betting on novel mechanisms to treat obesity, hoping that their products will have a unique edge, like having fewer side effects or helping maintain long-term weight loss, that will resonate with patients and insurers, STAT explains. Nick Williams, a partner at the Medicxi venture capital firm, is seeing 10 times more startup pitches with an obesity bent, compared to a few years ago. The increasing interest in targeting this area indicates how fierce the competition in the obesity market is becoming, and what options could be in store next for patients.

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