Why I . . . create pop art

Combining his interest in art and medical illustration, and creating pop art versions of molecules, has worked wonders for consultant haematologist Drew Provan.Provan works at the Royal London Hospital while also running his own media business and lecturing, and uses his love of art as a way of destressing.Asked what he enjoys about creating artworks, he says, “I get freedom to do what I want and I’m not constrained by anything. When I’m working on my art it’s a completely different way of thinking from medicine or writing a paper.“I had high blood pressure before but my blood pressure is nice now. I exercise, but I needed more than that. The art takes me away from normal stuff and I find it incredibly absorbing.”Provan works one day a week at the Royal London, a day and a half lecturing, and spends the rest of the time running Herodotus Media—his presentation…
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