Sudan’s health system is “beyond collapse” as hospitals are directly targeted in fighting

A fragile ceasefire declared at midnight on Monday 24 April seemed to be holding in Khartoum on Tuesday morning, as some wary citizens emerged from their homes in search of food, water, medicine, or a path to safety. Several truces have already swiftly collapsed during nine days of chaotic violence across the country and in the hitherto peaceful capital, Khartoum, as two rival generals struggle for power.After US mediation the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have agreed to stop fighting for 72 hours. Should that truce hold, some of the country’s battered hospitals will seize the chance to replenish supplies and discharge patients who have jammed corridors, afraid to venture out.But most hospitals have already stopped functioning completely. Five days into the fighting the Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors said that 39 of 59 hospitals in Khartoum and neighbouring states were out of service. Among these…
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