Rise in diabetes shows that prevention is more important than ever

Obesity now constitutes a major challenge for healthcare settings around the world, and aetiologically it sits upstream from many other long term conditions, including type 2 diabetes. The covid pandemic brought this challenge into sharp focus, as clinical outcomes from covid were worse among people with obesity and people with diabetes. With health systems struggling to cope with associated end organ damage and battling workforce pressures, the case for better prevention is clear. And that case looms larger in healthcare policy consciousness after Patricia Hewitt’s review of the latest NHS reforms in England.1This month the charity Diabetes UK reported that people with diabetes in the UK have topped five million for the first time,2 highlighting the prevalence of diabetes (not disaggregated by type) over the seven financial years to 2021-22. Different data sources were applied for each UK nation. For example, England’s data were derived from the Quality and Outcomes…
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