US faces triple epidemic of flu, RSV, and covid

The US is now in a flu epidemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and faces a triple epidemic of flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in young children, and covid-19, as cases rise and new variants appear.123Many precautions, such as mask wearing and social distancing, have been discarded and few Americans have taken the latest bivalent vaccines, behavioural changes that may have contributed to the spread of the viruses.The CDC has reported that the early increases in seasonal influenza cases have continued nationwide. The south eastern and south central areas of the country had the highest levels of activity followed by the mid-Atlantic and the south central west coast regions. A second child is reported to have died from influenza.4So far this season, the CDC estimates there have been at least 1 600 000 illnesses, 13 000 hospital admissions, and 730 deaths from flu. It recommended…
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