The future of general practice in England

No one who works in general practice, and few patients attempting to access care, would deny that it is struggling. The underlying cause is clear—a mismatch between the need and expectations of the public for general practice services on one side and the shortage of supply of those services on the other. The problem has been building for more than a decade and has been exacerbated by the pandemic.Patients are experiencing the consequences of this mismatch daily.1 Attention has focused on problems with access, though the ability of general practitioners to provide effective, personalised, and even safe care is also on a knife edge. In a recent Royal College of General Practitioners’ survey of GPs in the UK, 68% of the 1262respondents said that they didn’t feel they had enough time in consultations to properly assess their patients, 65% expressed concern that patient safety is being compromised by workload pressures,…
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