AI technologies: guidelines set out training requirements for NHS staff

All health and care staff will receive training in how to use artificial intelligence (AI) if recommendations published this week are implemented.Guidance from Health Education England and the NHS AI Lab sets out how to plan, develop, and deliver new training packages to equip the workforce with “the necessary knowledge, skills and capabilities they will need in AI.”1In a report written for healthcare education and training providers in England, the guidance says that some groups of health and care staff will require more advanced specialist training depending on their roles and responsibilities, such as using AI tools in clinical practice.The guidance follows a 2019 review led by Eric Topol of the Scripps Research Institute in California,2 which recommended that the NHS develop a healthcare workforce able and willing to use AI and robotics.3 That review projected a future transformation of the doctor-patient relationship where patients would be empowered to interpret…
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