Activists demand more funds for ME research

bmj;379/oct26_1/o2548/FAF1faTakenbyTaraDemonstrators in London’s Parliament Square last week called for hundreds of millions of pounds missing from research into myalgic encephalomyelitis to be restored to the condition.The campaigners, including Alex Chalk and many other MPs, illustrated ME’s connections to other chronic illnesses by linking themselves with red threads. The demonstration also heard from expert speakers, who discussed their research work and the intersection between ME and long covid.One of the speakers, Douglas Kell, a professor at Liverpool University, said, “If adequate research funds had been invested in ME research in previous decades, as people with ME have asked for, we would have been in a much better position to help people with long covid.”One of the event’s organisers, Denise Spreag of #MEAction UK, said, “We are asking all our supporters, people with ME, and people with other complex chronic conditions to start this campaign by lobbying the Wellcome Trust—which has approximately…
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