Sharp Scratch episode 83: students, sex work, and stigma

Sharp Scratch episode summaries are back. And we’ve chosen a big topic for this episode: sex work. I was joined by regular panellist, Anisha, and new panellist, Sarah, to discuss all things students, sex work, and stigma. Discussing the relation between our personal and professional identity is an important part of the conversations we have on Sharp Scratch. In this episode we wanted to unpick the boundaries between one’s personal and one’s professional persona, using sex work as an example. The team discussed the General Medical Council’s stance on student sex workers, and the stigma that surrounds this work.A bit of backgroundThe Student Sex Work Project (2015) reported that around 5% of students have, at some point, been involved in the sex industry. Alongside this, a recent BMA conference stirred up many conversations on this topic. With student poverty set to worsen over the coming months, more students might turn…
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