An eruption of dome-shaped, red papules

These are reactive capillary haemangiomas (RCHs) on the trunk of a man in his 40s who had been taking camrelizumab to treat stage IV lung adenocarcinoma (fig 1).bmj;379/oct19_4/e071047/F1F1f1Fig 1He reported developing the papules two weeks after his first injection of camrelizumab. On examination, numerous, dome-shaped, bright red papules were seen on the trunk.RCH is typically a rapid capillary proliferation associated with trauma, infection, and medications such as VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) inhibitors, ciclosporin, and camrelizumab. Camrelizumab is an anti-PD-1 (programmed cell death protein 1) inhibitor used to treat patients with solid tumours to improve survival.For most patients who develop RCH secondary to camrelizumab injection, it will occur six weeks after the first dose.1 Common differentials are senile angiomas and pyogenic granuloma. Although some patients might be concerned about the lesions, most cases of RCH secondary to camrelizumab do not require treatment being withdrawn immediately. Termination of treatment is only…
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