Rammya Mathew: Doctors are being pushed to the absolute brink

Like most doctors, I’ve got a few type A personality traits. I’m ambitious, I take pride in my work, and I want to be good at what I do. At face value these all seem like desirable characteristics for a doctor, but they can also mean that we find it hard to recognise—or indeed accept—when work is getting the better of us.Only with the benefit of hindsight have I recognised the times when I’ve been under immense work related stress. One of these times was when I’d newly qualified as a GP: I was working five sessions as a salaried GP and four sessions doing a GP leadership role. My week was full, I took work home every day, and however much I tried to clear the decks I just came back to more and more work.As a result I found it hard to unwind at the end of the…
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