Sydney Adventist Hospital

Sydney Adventist Hospital

Sydney Adventist Hospital is located at 185 Fox Valley Rd, Wahroonga NSW 2076. They have 40 private rooms that include ensuites, breastfeeding chairs, purpose-built bath facilities, beds, and more necessary things. Furthermore, some rooms have double beds while others have day beds for partners or support persons to use overnight. The hospital has nine birthing suites. The two birthing rooms are specifically designed with birthing pools for water births. They also have equipment that you can use for active birth.

Hospital Address

185 Fox Valley Rd, Wahroonga NSW 2076

02 9487 9111

Website Sydney Adventist Hospital

Hospital contact image

Sydney Adventist Hospital Map

Sydney Adventist Hospital Services

Midwifery Antenatal Clinic

Sydney Adventist Hospital does not have midwifery-run antenatal clinics.

Preparation for Birth Classes

Sydney Adventist Hospital offers birth classes.

Caseload Midwifery Practice

A caseload midwifery program is where one or two midwives care for you through pregnancy, birth and beyond. Sydney Adventist Hospital does not offer this option.

Publicly funded homebirth program

Sydney Adventist Hospital does not offer a free homebirth program for low risk women.

Parenting Classes

Sydney Adventist Hospital offers parenting classes.

Breastfeeding Classes

Sydney Adventist Hospital offers breastfeeding classes.

midwifery logo

Does Sydney Adventist Hospital have visiting private midwives?


Does Sydney Adventist Hospital have visiting GP Obstetricians?


Does Sydney Adventist Hospital have visiting Obstetricians?


Hospital Facilities

Antenatal Beds


Birthing Rooms


Postnatal Beds


Special Care Nursery Beds


Neonatal Intensive Care Beds


Are there birth pools available for labour and birth?

Is warm water immersion available during labour? YES

Is waterbirth an available option? YES

Can I use an inflatable birth pool? UNKNOWN

Birth centres are designed to be a home away from home. A birth centre is a separate unit located away from the standard birth unit. Birth centres encompass a philosophy that pregnancy and birth are normal, natural events in the life of a woman and her family.

NO a birth centre is not available at this hospital.

Does Sydney Adventist Hospital have a birth centre?

Maternity Tour

What support is available if I have difficulties breastfeeding my baby?

Breastfeeding/lactation clinic? UNKNOWN

Lactation consultants on the postnatal ward? YES

Accredited as a baby friendly hospital? NO

Baby-friendly accredited?

Sydney Adventist Hospital is not accredited under the global Baby Friendly Health Initiative program.

Sydney Adventist Hospital Statistics

Sydney Adventist Hospital

How a woman’s labour starts influences the chance interventions in labour. If labour starts spontaneously, there is less likelihood of interventions. If a woman has an induction of labour there is an increased chance of further interventions. In the above graph, spontaneous labour refers to labour that starts on its own. Labour artificially sped up refers to labours starting spontaneously but are artificially sped up with medication or breaking the bag of water.

Unfortunately, national statistics do not separate spontaneous labour and labour artificially sped up.  So the Australian national statistics combine these two together as spontaneous labour.

Induction of labour in PBB’s graph refers to one or more of the following interventions used to artificially start labour:

  • Artificial rupture of membranes
  • Balloon catheter to open the cervix
  • Prostaglandins placed in the vagina
  • Synthetic oxytocin drug to start or speed up labour

No labour is when a woman has an elective (non-emergency) caesarean before labour starts.

Sydney Adventist Hospital

Since 1985, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended countries keep the caesarean birth rate between 10–15% to ensure mortality rates are kept low for mothers and babies (WHO’s last statement update was April 2015). Since 1995 the caesarean birth rate has increased every year across Australia. In 2019 the caesarean birth rate in the NSW maternity hospitals was more than double the WHO recommendation.

A small number of breech babies are born vaginally. Instrumental births include forceps birth and vacuum extraction. The caesarean birth rate includes both elective (planned) and emergency (unplanned) caesarean births.

Sydney Adventist Hospital

Please note that even though there is a dramatic increase in interventions in labour and caesarean birth – there is no change in the perinatal death rate.

PBB attained the data in the statistics from the Australia’s Mothers and Babies by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) and NSW Mothers and Babies by the NSW Ministry of Health.

Photo Gallery

PBB has created this page to help you be informed about local maternity services. We’d love for you to send us photos of Sydney Adventist Hospital to include on this page. Send photos to our webmaster.

Date page published 27th February 2022

The post Sydney Adventist Hospital appeared first on Pregnancy Birth and Beyond.

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