STAT+: Pharmalittle: Vaccine makers scramble to assess the Omicron Covid strain; Pfizer to step up Covid pill production

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to another working week. We hope the extended weekend break — on our side of the pond, anyway — was somehow relaxing and invigorating, despite the challenging coronavirus news. This was predictable, though, yes? In any event, a new cycle of online calls and deadlines await, so we are coping by engaging in the usual ritual — brewing cups of stimulation. Our choice today is the seasonal peppermint mocha. Feel free to join us. Meanwhile, here is the latest line up of items for you to peruse and digest. We hope you have a smashing day and conquer the world. And of course, do keep in touch. We cherish your private notes and juicy tips. …

Vaccine makers will spend several weeks assessing the danger and potential impact of the new Omicron variant of Covid-19, but they are already racing to develop ways to combat it, The Wall Street Journal explains. For now, researchers at the vaccine companies say it is too early to determine a course of action. Over the next few weeks, they will watch to see if infections from the new variant lead to a surge in hospitalizations and deaths, a sign that Omicron is more dangerous than previous coronavirus variants. Vaccine companies are also awaiting data from lab tests under way to see if existing vaccines generate sufficient neutralizing antibodies to combat the new variant.

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