STAT+: Pharmalittle: FDA panel endorses Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine; meanwhile, Sanofi shot suffers major setback

And so, another working week will soon draw to a close. Not a moment too soon, yes? This is, you may recall, our treasured signal to daydream about weekend plans. Our agenda is rather modest. We plan to observe ancient rituals by indulging in fattening customs, catch up on our reading, and promenade with the official mascot. And what about you? As the year-end holidays get under way, you could boost the economy by purchasing a few gifts. You could double-check to see if the election has been decided. Or touch base with someone feeling isolated these days. Well, whatever you do, have a grand time. But be safe — wear a mask. Enjoy, and see you soon. …

Sanofi (SNY) suffered a major setback in producing a Covid-19 vaccine, STAT reports. The problem will push the timeline for deployment — if the vaccine is approved — from the first half of 2021 into the second half of the year. The news is also disappointing for multiple countries, including the U.S., as well as the European Union, that have purchase contracts. Sanofi had hoped to start a Phase 3 trial this month and projected it could produce 100 million doses of vaccine in 2020, and 1 billion doses in 2021.

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