STAT Plus: Pharmalittle: Trump’s Covid-19 vaccine chief has worrisome conflicts; U.S. provides $1.2 billion for AstraZeneca vaccine

Top of the morning to you, and a fine one it is. Once again, clear blue skies and cool breezes are enveloping the Pharmalot campus, where the short person is hovering over a laptop and the fast-growing official mascot is unsuccessfully chasing squirrels. As for us, we are engaged in our usual ritual of heating the coffee kettle to concoct cups of stimulation. Once again, we are enjoying glazed doughnut. One can never be too sweet, yes? Meanwhile, here are some items of interest for you. Have a smashing day and do keep in touch. …

Moncef Slaoui, a venture capitalist and a former GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) executive who was tapped to lead the Trump administration Covid-19 vaccine effort, has spent the last several days trying to disentangle his stock portfolio and his intricate ties to pharmaceutical interests, The New York Times reports. But some ethics and financial securities experts voiced concerns about the arrangement he struck with the administration. In agreeing to accept the position, Slaoui did not come on board as a government employee, but on a contract, receiving $1 for his service.

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