STAT Plus: Pharmalittle: Feds probe drug makers for flooding communities with opioids; States proceeding with importation

And so, another working week will soon come to an end, but earlier than usual, thanks to a holiday on this side of the pond. This means there is an extended break and we will not return until Monday. For those of you who similarly have an opportunity to enjoy such a respite, we hope you have a relaxing time and dodge those challenging moments when certain family members arrive. Remember, you can always reach for the turkey. As for us, we look forward to assembling our full collection of short people in one spot and enjoying a tradition or two. Meanwhile, we wish you safe travels, merry times and see you soon …

Federal prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation into whether drug makers intentionally allowed opioids to flood communities, employing laws normally used to go after drug dealers, according to The Wall Street Journal. The investigation could become the largest prosecution yet of drug companies alleged to have contributed to the opioid crisis. Prosecutors are examining whether the companies violated the federal Controlled Substances Act, a statute that prosecutors have begun using against opioid makers and distributors this year.

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